$11 million on 1 $19.99 Product

in 2 Years

Key Takeaways

- Scaling low ticket offers

- Cash flowing front end


  • 1 simple product

  • No video

  • No upsells

  • Low AOV


  • Viral video creation

  • Viral hooks

  • At pre and post purchase upsells

  • Create follow up marketing campaigns

The Process

Low ticket sales are not hard to make cash flow on the front, even in this high CPM ad environment.

The problem with achieving that front end cash flow that would allow this product to scale is that the owner did not have the KEY offer, the KEY hook, and the KEY process to creating viral videos.

This was a demonstrable product, that didn't do anything amazing on the surface, but had a unique and viral attribute about it, that if exploited correctly would make a viral sensation.

Note, to product developers. You NEED to create products that have a unique mechanism or they will get lost in the noise.

Step 1 for this project was to research the market, the customer avatar, and the product itself.

From this initial research we were able to identify the giftable nature of this product.

The marketing angles designed for this that worked the best was a combination of showing off the unique mechanism with the power of story telling in our marketing to make the everyone watching want one.

Once the front end clicks were dialed in we turned our attention to the conversion rate and value side of things.

Making sure the landing page yielded the highest conversion rate possible, while bumping up the $19.99 AOV any way we could.

In it's final form we were converting over 7% outside of holiday time, and over 11% during the holiday shopping push.

And the AOV was pushing North of $60.

The final key to this product becoming a perennial product was scheduling out it's scaling phases and its pullback phases of the year to capitalize on the macro trends identified in the market.

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