Added $40 million of new revenue over the first 18 months working with this large direct to consumer business.
Produced a 23 times return on the investment Dugout Mugs made with Growthvisors.
Turned $15,000/mo worth of ad spend on lead gen for a nationwide financial service company to $15,000/day.
$11M on 1 Product
Generated $11 million in sales off of a $19.99 front end product in 2 years
Took a brand new education course from $0 to $8 million in GMV in a little less than 4 months.
Generated $1.2 million in sales in the first year for a new crafting business.
$17M Worth Of Kitchen Gadgets
Turned around struggling company to $17 million in sales for a kitchenware company in less than 3 years.
Quadrupled the amount of business generated for a nationwide solar company in 12 months.
Scaled an auto insurance lead generated from investing only $10k/mo on new leads to over $222k/mo, while skyrocketing revenue.
Grew a trendy apparel company to over $21 million in sales in under 3 years.
Catapulted a new jewelry company from $0 to $1.1 million in sales in 5 months.
Lowered lead cost by 53% for a retirement planning firm in only 14 days.
Losing $3k to Making $3k
Took an education product that was losing $3,000 a week on advertising to making a 3X ROAS in the first 9 days.
Sold $2.2 million worth of $20 items in 65 days, at a whopping 2.8 ROAS.
Took a brand new apparel company from $0 to selling over $3 million in the first 6 months.
Earnings Disclaimer: Our products and services are to provide coaching programs for sales and marketing for entrepreneurs in the marketing agency space wanting to grow their revenue and profit. Though our services and products are tailored for our clients, we cannot give you or anyone reading this information any guarantees or warranties (either express or implied) about results or earning money with the ideas, information, tools and strategies set out on this website or in our services or products. Nothing in this website, our services or products, or in any of our contracts constitute a promise or guarantee of success, results or future earnings. We do not offer legal, tax, or other financial advice.
Testimonials Disclaimer: Any testimonials provided on our website, our services or our products are of real-life individuals and businesses and their own personal and individual experiences. These must not be taken as "typical" results and will not be specific to your particular circumstances or actions you choose to take following receipt of the services and products.