$15k/mo to $450k/mo

in 12 Months

Key Takeaways

- Restructured main ad account

- Added new traffic channels

- Implemented new creative process


  • Old, ineffective ad structure

  • Inefficient ad groups and ads

  • Leaky landing page


  • New, campaign and ad group structure

  • Ad testing strategy

  • CROd landing page

The Process

This client had huge success with their mortgage campaigns when the interest rates were at all time lows (2020/2021).

However, when rates then reacted up close to 8% their campaigns suffered mightily.

They had all but given up on Search as a marketing channel due to the high interest rate environment and poor management of those particular campaigns from the prior 24 months.

To correct the issue we needed to get the full picture of the account itself.

We started with a deep dive data analysis on their entire account. What had worked in the past? What were they attempting to do currently? Etc.

This analysis showed a clear path for rapid fixes.

These fixes included completely overhauling their campaign structure. Removing the old fashioned SKAGs technique which has now become obsolete and leveraging into keyword themed ad groups that had quite similar highly contextual broad match keywords.

Providing the algorithm more room to breath and optimize allowed us to move onto the next, and more important two steps.

First, we need to create a conveyer belt model for ad creative testing, which focused on creating new ad headlines for each of the several dozen ad groups that had been created.

And second, we needed to the do the same for the landing pages, making them highly relevant to every single keyword we won a click for.

The overarching result of testing for 30 days was a drastic improvement in CPA and then after 60 days we verified the backend quality was rock solid. This allowed us to scale aggressively to where we are currently, but we are still continuing to scale.

Last step for this is to move this offer into additional media channels to continue to sustain the growth curve it is now on.

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