in 2 Years
- Demonstrable products scale
- Authenticity pays huge
Old, stale products
No upsells
Few second purchases
Create authentic marketing campaigns
Add congruent upsells
Create loyalty program
Add congruent products to store for additional sales.
How to make old new again?
This client came to us with an idea to resurrect pretty cool, but totally forgotten about products that were inspired from the old informercials and As Seen On TV type products were in the 90s.
The problem they faced was they had no Ron Popeil or George Forman.
But in today's modern world, you don't want to have a fancy studio, you don't want high production. That takes away from the authenticity of the brand.
You want Paula Deen, but you want the real Southern mama cooking in her actual kitchen.
So, when we set out to develop the marketing strategy for this client we did just that.
We developed marketing campaigns that were as real to life as possible, and it paid off in dividends.
Having a gadget do a cool and novel thing, is indeed a huge part of a product's success, but delivering that in a non-hypey way is harder than you'd think.
If we look at all the TikTok Shop affiliates out there all copying the few videos that went viral make those hooks, those techniques obsolete.
Developing a true and authentic audience is the real secret to blowing up common household items.
After nailing down the front end marketing strategy we began testing other congruent products that our brand new and large customer base would also enjoy.
Fast forward two years and we were able to produce over $17 million in sales for this brand at a 25% profit margin.
Earnings Disclaimer: Our products and services are to provide coaching programs for sales and marketing for entrepreneurs in the marketing agency space wanting to grow their revenue and profit. Though our services and products are tailored for our clients, we cannot give you or anyone reading this information any guarantees or warranties (either express or implied) about results or earning money with the ideas, information, tools and strategies set out on this website or in our services or products. Nothing in this website, our services or products, or in any of our contracts constitute a promise or guarantee of success, results or future earnings. We do not offer legal, tax, or other financial advice.
Testimonials Disclaimer: Any testimonials provided on our website, our services or our products are of real-life individuals and businesses and their own personal and individual experiences. These must not be taken as "typical" results and will not be specific to your particular circumstances or actions you choose to take following receipt of the services and products.