$2.2 Million in Sales
in 65 Days
- Don't be afraid to scale
- Messaging > Creative refresh
- Demonstrable products are king
Sales were stagnant
Needed big push before Q4
Improper mindset
Pushed best performing creatives to limit
Tested new campaign structure no one tested
Scaled without fear
This was achieved on the backs of 5 simple, but pretty cool little products. All within one client.
To handle the scale we needed the data to be seamless and dedicated for each product.
To achieve we created individual ad accounts and data sets for each product.
Did a quick round of creative tests to ensure we were going to push the correct ones.
Deployed a brand new (now removed) hack we had discovered in the ad structure that allowed us to scale infinitely without loss of ROAS.
As we scaled the ROAS actually improved.
Scale was pushed until we were averaging $37,000/day in ad spend on Meta alone.
Most sales came from 8:30am until 11am and then fluttered for the remainder of the day.
With this consistency and volume we were able to dial in the full sales funnel incredibly well.
Testing: pricing, images, descriptions, pre and post purchase upsells, shipping costs, thank you pages, follow ups, etc.
The client ended up profiting just over $1.2 million in those 65 days, and had just enough time to stock up for that year's Q4 with all the answers already sorted for an amazing holiday season worth of sales.
Earnings Disclaimer: Our products and services are to provide coaching programs for sales and marketing for entrepreneurs in the marketing agency space wanting to grow their revenue and profit. Though our services and products are tailored for our clients, we cannot give you or anyone reading this information any guarantees or warranties (either express or implied) about results or earning money with the ideas, information, tools and strategies set out on this website or in our services or products. Nothing in this website, our services or products, or in any of our contracts constitute a promise or guarantee of success, results or future earnings. We do not offer legal, tax, or other financial advice.
Testimonials Disclaimer: Any testimonials provided on our website, our services or our products are of real-life individuals and businesses and their own personal and individual experiences. These must not be taken as "typical" results and will not be specific to your particular circumstances or actions you choose to take following receipt of the services and products.